March 20, Congress, Vaccines, Masks

March 20, Congress, Vaccines, Masks


Rand Paul and Ron Johnson refuse the vaccine.

They’ve both had the virus, so they rest serene.

They claim antibodies were raised naturally

But scientists warn these may fade gradually.


Rand Paul is a doctor, Ron Johnson, cheesehead.

Regarding the virus, both may be misled.

For neither was trained in infectious disease,

They are like Texans who face the next freeze.


And lots of Republicans won’t wear a mask.

(Respectful of others, an arduous task.)

And Mike Lee is flaunting a mask made of mesh.

Such disdain for science gives Fauci gooseflesh.


A quarter of Congress has not had their shots,

Shots there for the asking, since they’re all “big shots.”

Why do some Republicans deny the facts?

Since Trump’s been detweeted, why fear his attacks?


We hear Mar a Lago is in quarantine

Because it’s infected with Covid 19.

Bugs got in the White House when Donald was there,

One of the diseases Trump spreads everywhere.


Republicans loyal to Donald get sick.

It seems that their minds are as bright as a brick.  (1)

Pandemic, election, they buy Donald’s lies.

Why do they deny what’s in front of their eyes?


  • Look up the discussion between the Zen Master Huairang and Mazu Daoyi on trying to polish a brick into a mirror.