Donald at the Bat – Day 1444, New Year Farewell

Day 1444, New Year Farewell


It’s time to say to Donald Trump, “Farewell,”

And send him off to jail or padded cell.

Though some will say they’re sad to see him go,

For most of us, his reign has just been hell.


Yes, some of us are sad to see him go.

The super rich have seen their fortunes grow.

Coronavirus still sweeps through the land.

Trump’s negligence has helped it lay us low.


Now, Covid 19 still sweeps through the land.

Will new vaccines help us make a stand?

Not if the anti-vaxxers have their say.

Might some relent when Biden takes command?


To act on what the anti-vaxxers say

Will simply let the virus have its way.

And more will lie in beds dug six feet deep,

There to await their final Judgment Day.


Yes, more will lie in beds dug six feet deep,

Until the sun blows up, eternal sleep.

So, as we say to Donald Trump, “Farewell,”

Let’s hope what we have sown, we must not reap.


As we bid all these last four years, “Farewell,”

Goodbye to the mendacious infidel,

To Covid 19 and autocracy,

Can we “unring” the tolling funeral bell?