Donald at the Bat – Day 1412, Supreme Court Religious Exemptions

Day 1412, Supreme Court Religious Exemptions


Religious worshippers insist

And yell, “Discrimination!”

So they’re in court, where they’ll resist

Restricted congregation.


The doctors say a mask-free crowd

Without some social distance,

Especially when singing loud,

Will cause Covid persistence.


Now our Supreme Court said, “OK,

“The faithful may all crowd in.”

And Covid 19 shouts, “Hooray!”

For it’s also allowed in.


Will Covid 19 now afflict

Those who are most religious,

Those whom the experts contradict,

Who still rise up, litigious?


For when the judges give a pass

To faithful congregating,

We’ll see pandemic deaths amass

From Covid propagating.


Will Covid start attending church,

Infecting the believers?

Could God aid Covid in its search,

For more willing receivers?