Donald at the Bat – Day 1353, Trump’s Diagnosis

Day 1353, Trump’s Diagnosis


It’s just like a classical Greek tragedy,

Or maybe it’s Dante’s Divine Comedy?

For Covid 19 infects our president,

Is he being punished for his perfidy?


Now Covid 19 has gripped our president,

For Trump’s base supporters, just an accident?

He speaks in large crowds without wearing a mask.

Infection: bad luck or Trump’s just punishment?


He spoke in large crowds and would not wear a mask,

Out there in the spotlight, where he loves to bask.

Trump’s a super-spreader, as bad as we’ve seen,

Is acting responsibly, too much to ask?


He’s a super spreader, as bad as we’ve seen;

With disdain of science that’s nearly obscene.

His arrogance costing us ten thousands dead,

Now, he’s ill himself and still there’s no vaccine.


Ignorant arrogance, cost ten thousands dead,

And now Trump is ill, though still not flat in bed.

He hosted fund raisers with this malady;

He has empty coffers that need to be fed.


He went to fund raisers with this malady.

Was this just stupidity or perfidy?

We’ve all heard that, “Pride goeth before a fall,” (1)

The classical hubris of Greek tragedy.


(1)  “Pride goeth before a fall.”  See Proverbs 16:18, “Pride goeth before destruction.”  Both the ancient Jews and Greeks recognized the dangers of excess pride.