Donald at the Bat – Day 1285, John Lewis Crosses the Bridge

Day 1285, John Lewis Crosses the Bridge 


You carried us so many years

And now we carry you.

You shed your blood; we shed our tears

For now we carry you.


You shed your blood for voting rights.

But there’s much left to do.

Equality for blacks and whites,

There’s so much left to do.


Now crowds of mourners watch you pass

Rose petals on your way.

In years past you faced clubs and gas;

Now roses line your way.


Your flag-draped coffin says you’re gone.

You’ve passed the torch to us.

Now we are left to carry on,

The torch you’ve passed to us.


Though just a poor sharecroppers son,

You learned well how to lead.

Equality for everyone:

You showed us how to lead.


We sing you home with gospel songs.

Now we must overcome.

So, who of us will right the wrongs

We still must overcome?


As horses draw your casket by,

We know what’s left to do.

We must not take too long to cry.

Think of what’s left to do.


Today we lay you down to rest.

Then we must take the reins.

You earned your rest; you did your best;

Now we must take the reins.