September 20,  What’s Wrong?

September 20,  What’s Wrong?


What’s wrong with the minds who believe

In QAnon rather than science?

Is it low I. Q.

That twists minds askew,

Producing such misplaced reliance?


What’s wrong with the minds who believe

In all of Trump’s hallucinations?

Trump’s autocracy,

Not democracy,

Trump’s craziness should be our nation’s?


What’s wrong with the minds who believe

That Donald Trump won the election?

Accepting such stuff

Will just help to fluff

That poor old man’s sagging erection.


What’s wrong with the minds who believe

That they should resist vaccination?

Refuse the vaccine,

Catch Covid 19,

And head for an early cremation?


What’s wrong with the minds who believe

In aiding the spread of the virus?

They help Delta spread,

Insuring more dead

Descend to the world of Osiris.  (1)


What’s wrong with the minds who believe

In Texas type bans on abortion?

From rape or incest

Conception is blessed;

That’s God’s will? Or twisted distortion?


What’s wrong with the minds who believe

That we need more voter suppression?

Republicans fear

Their end’s drawing near,

From Black votes, an act of aggression.


  • Osiris was the Egyptian god of the underworld.