September 1, Ivermectin Blues

September 1, Ivermectin Blues


Turned positive for Covid yesterday;

I ain’t been vaccinated, by the way.

I saw the town’s horse doctor right away.

He said, “Take Ivermectin and then pray.”


My colon’s clean; my lungs are full of pus,

So short of breath I cannot even cuss.

I’ve just been hit by Covid’s blunderbuss.

Misinformation threw me ‘neath the bus.


Chorus:  Now, I’m afraid that I just got bad news.

For, all the Ivermectin drug subdues

Is worms, in spite of what Fox ballyhoos.

I’ve got the worm free, Covid Delta blues.


Oh, why, oh why did I not get vaccine?

It’s not my shit that I need to keep clean.

From listening to Trump’s Big Lie machine,

You wouldn’t think that Covid was so mean.


Chorus:  Now I’m afraid….