May 11, The Republican Platform

May 11, The Republican Platform


It’s God, it’s guns, and now it’s gynecology.

They’ve always pushed guns and right wing theology

But now, suppressing women’s reproductive rights

Is a part of the new GOP liturgy.


Should our women have any reproductive rights?

Is their job to replace lives we’ve lost in gun fights?

Since abortion reduces our baby supply,                   (Justice Alito really wrote that.)

Control of our women is now reaching new heights.


Since abortion reduces our baby supply.

To right wingers, that means women must all comply:

Must conceive and give birth as the right wing demands,

To insure this “commodity” will not run dry.


So, conceive and give birth as the right wing demands;

And don’t make your own choices; leave them “in God’s hands.”

It’s God; it’s guns and now it’s gynecology:

The new Trinity on which the GOP stands.