March 29, Insanity Defense

March 29, Insanity Defense


Could Ginni Thomas claim insanity if she’s indicted?

And, is it QAnon that has Ms. Thomas all excited?

We know that there are those who say religion is illusion

But, in the case of QAnon, it’s more like mass delusion.


Like Democrats are pedophiles who like to dine on babies

Or evil monsters, circulating viruses of rabies.

Joe Biden must have pulled a heist, since Trump won the election.

Without Trump at the helm, we’re sailing in the wrong direction.


Does Ginni Thomas buy this stuff?  She spouts lots of their raving.

On 1-6 she was at the Mall, Confederate flags waving.

She wrote emails supporting Donald holding on to power

Did Justice Thomas have her back?  For both, the storm clouds lower.


If she is asked to testify, will Ginni be compliant?

We think, like Donald’s henchmen, she will likely be defiant.

And, have her actions now put Justice Thomas in hot water?

Especially if she’s found to be an insurrection plotter?


Her reasons all seem crazy when we read her emails urging

Sedition, insurrection; her rebellious thoughts come surging.

And, what should Justice Thomas do?  Consensus is recusal

From all 1-6 related cases.  Would he dare refusal?


And, do Supreme Court ethics rules require codifying?

Because it looks like Justice Thomas has not been complying

When he’s had conflicts of interest or even the appearance,

It may be time for ethics laws, assuring strict adherence.


Take Ginni Thomas, Justice Thomas, ardent right wing voices,

And Justice Thomas saying not to criticize her choices,

For after all, he’s one of them: that cannot mean she’s dotty.

But have her choices just dumped his career into the potty?