Donald at the Bat – Day 996, An Honest Politician?

Day 996, An Honest Politician? 


An “honest politician” will reliably stay bought.

And some will call him “honest” up until he has been caught

Molesting teenage girls, or even boys, a sordid thought.

So, such an honest politician’s very likely not.


Trump has twin towers in Istanbul; we see where he’s been bought.

He’s also owned by Putin but we don’t know what Vlad’s got.

A pee tape or big bank loans, either one would be a blot.

And, with regard to honesty, we know that Trump is not.



An “honest politician:” is there such an animal?

Perhaps if what you mean by “honest” is quite minimal

And, if you’re not too technical and don’t mean “ethical,”

Then maybe you could find one, though they might be mythical.


Are “honest politicians” real or like a unicorn,

A creature of mythology, a real one never born.

Sometimes we think that something’s true because someone has sworn.

Believing in mythology is human and inborn.


An “honest politician” means that he’s not yet been caught

In sexual peccadillos, taking bribes, or other plot.

The nature of the animal is that it can be bought.

So be suspicious of this concept; heed this caveat.



An “honest politician:”…


An “honest politician?”  Well, there have to be a few.

The key, of course, not what they say but what we see them do.

If they will sell their votes for cash, it’s up to me and you

To wash them out of office, use our votes like a shampoo.



An “honest politician:” is there such an animal?

Perhaps if what you mean by “honest,” is quite minimal

And, if you’re not too technical and don’t mean “ethical,”

Then maybe you could find one, though they might be mythical.