Donald at the Bat – Day 919, Donald Trump Sings (parody of ‘My Country, Tis of Thee)

Day 919, Donald Trump Sings (1)


My country, it is me.

Who needs democracy?

Of me, I sing.

Though I cast truth aside,

My base stays on my side,

Who cares what norms I have defied?

I should be the king.


My base of bigotry,

Thinks that equality

Is for white men.

If you are brown or black,

Or female, I’ll attack.

My base won’t make me take it back.

They’ll just say, “Amen.”


As if you have not guessed,

My white tribe is the best.

I speak, they jump.

May we be bright and white:

Who needs more colored blight?

God sent me to bring back the light;

God has chosen Trump.


Obviously to be sung to “My Country, ‘Tis of Thee,” unless Trump, in fact, becomes our King, in which case it may be sung to “God Save