Donald at the Bat – Day 918, Moscow Mitch (a new song)

Day 918, Moscow Mitch

 (a new song in the making- only lyrics as yet)



Moscow Mitch, Moscow Mitch,

He sure looks like Putin’s bitch.

Mitch won’t help protect the vote.

What is our best antidote?


Time for Mitch to run again,

Time to sing and dance and spin,

Kiss the ass of Donald Trump.

Both belong out on the dump.


Keep elections safe from Vlad?

“No,” says Mitch, “that would be bad.

“If elections were made fair,

“We’d have Democrats in there.”



Moscow Mitch, Moscow Mitch…..


If mass murder should occur,

Moscow Mitch will just demur.

Mitch’s style is to obstruct.

Putin smiles; we self-destruct.        (Alternative rhymes are possible)


Mitch McConnell hates the name,

Moscow Mitch, well, what a shame!

He has brought it on himself.

Let’s put Mitch back on the shelf.



Moscow Mitch, Moscow Mitch,

He sure acts like Putin’s bitch.

Mitch won’t help protect the vote.

Throw him out! The antidote.