Donald at the Bat – Day 865, God Save The Queen (parody on the same song)

Day 865, God Save The Queen (1)


Britain is Brexiting;

Donald is visiting;

God save the Queen!

And poor Theresa May,

She’s leaving any day.

Who knows what Donald Trump may say?

God save the Queen.


Trump went to Westminster

Where British folks inter

Their kings and queens.

And Isaac Newton’s there,

Charles Darwin, Trump won’t care.

He probably was not aware.

God save the Queen.


Anticipating tweets,

Protesters in the streets,

God save the Queen!

State dinner looms tonight.

We hope it goes alright.

And pray that Donald is polite.

God save the Queen.


What dishes will be served?

Her Majesty’s unnerved.

God save the Queen.

Donald’s tastes must be faced.

Beef Wellington’s a waste.

Cheeseburgers really suit his taste.

God save the Queen!


(1)  Since there are many different lyrics to this tune by an unknown composer and in many lands and languages, I am not really being irreverent to add my own.