Donald at the Bat – Day 744, Howard Shultz for President?

Day 744, Howard Shultz for President?

(May be sung to The Coffee Song, Frank Sinatra) (1)


From beans from the Brazilians,

Howard Schultz made himself billions. (2)

Now he’s looking for another job to fill.

He’s got an awful lot of ego to fulfill.

Though Trump’s been a disaster,

Schultz tells us he learns faster;

He can do the job he says Trump never will.

Because he’s sold a lot of coffee from Brazil.


We’ll see if we turn Schultz loose,

Are we chasing a wild goose?

The Democrat professionals plead, “No, no, no!”


Schultz says we should be wary;

Progressives are too scary.

If those lefties win, they’ll raise his own tax bill.

So Schultz is gonna run and give the left a chill.

So Schultz says he’ll be Independent.

He doesn’t want to be dependent

On the Democratic Lefties; they’re too shrill.

He’s got an awful lot of ego to fulfill.


(1)  The Coffee Song was written by Bob Hilliard and Dick Miles and was recorded by Frank Sinatra in 1961.

(2)  Howard Schultz was the CEO of Starbucks.