Donald at the Bat – Day 736, Roger Stone

Day 736, Roger Stone


Paul Manafort is back in court

And Stone has been arrested.

Another crook on Mueller’s hook,

The courts are so congested.


Conspiracy and perjury:

Trump still tweets, “No collusion!”

And Rudy’s nose just grows and grows.

His object is confusion.


With pants on fire and prospects dire,

Will Stone remain defiant?

If he should turn, what might Bob learn,

If Stone became compliant.


The WikiLeaks computer geeks:

For whom were these guys working?

Did Roger know the seeds they’d sow?

Is Vladimir still smirking?


Trump’s litany is still, “Who me?

“The facts show no collusion.”

“This Mueller stunt is a Witch Hunt,

“Fake News and all illusion.”


Thus Donald rants with flaming pants,

His genitals now sizzling.

And Nancy’s sass just kicked his ass,

As all his claims are fizzling.


The data stream for Donald’s team

Is flowing straight to prison,

Where they may stay until the day

That Jesus Christ is risen.