Donald at the Bat – Day 731 (parody to The Battle Hymn of the Republic)

Day 731

(Sing to “The Battle Hymn of the Republic”)


First, BuzzFeed said that Donald told Mike Cohen he must lie

When he went up to Congress where he had to testify.

Discussions with the Russians were what he must falsify.

The lies went on and on.


Liberals shouted, “Hallelujah!

“Donald Trump, we’re gonna screw ya!

“Glory, glory, hallelujah!

“The truth is marching on.”


The media went crazy as the news spread everywhere,

For everyone but Fox News put the story on the air

And pundits said, “If true…the Donald really must beware.”

As truth comes marching on.


Liberals shouted, “Hallelujah!

“Donald Trump, we’re gonna screw ya!

“Glory, glory, hallelujah!

“The truth is marching on.”


Then Mueller’s spokesman said some of the story was not right.

The media went nuts, the story in a different light.

But, BuzzFeed said their story’s right and they will stand and fight.

Their story marches on.


Donald’s base sang, “Hallelujah!

“Liberal networks, we will screw ya!

“Glory, glory, hallelujah!

“Our truth goes marching on.”


When Mueller says, “…not accurate,” just what does Bobby mean?

This is the first correction from Bob Mueller that we’ve seen.

Though pundits analyze, opinions are not neat and clean.

Confusion marches on.


Is there cause for, “Hallelujah?”

Who can say, “We’re gonna screw ya?”

Why sing, “Glory, hallelujah?”

Confusion marches on.


Then Donald came out to condemn the press and all the news.

He said the news was “fake…disgraceful,” standard Donald views.

So are the liberals crushed and will they have to sing the blues?

Whose “truth” will now march on?


Who’ll be singing, “Hallelujah?”

Who can say, “We stuck it to ya?”

Not much cause for, “Hallelujah.”

The mess goes on and on.