Donald at the Bat – Day 724, Blue State Ladies (parody to ‘Camptown Races’)

Day 724, Blue State Ladies

(Sing to “Camptown Races” by Stephen Foster)


Blue State Ladies take a stand.

Hoorah!  Hoorah!

Warren, Harris, Gillibrand!

Hoorah and hooray!

Rid the land of Trump.

Open, “Three no trump.”

Trumpless land would feel so grand.

Send him on his way.


Blue State Ladies, very smart.

Hoorah!  Hoorah!

All three get an early start.

Hoorah and hooray!

Donald’s ignorance

And his flaming pants

Means the Donald must depart.

Send him on his way.


Blue State Ladies drive Trump nuts.

Hoorah!  Hoorah!

BS pours from Donald’s guts.

Flowing every day.

Donald is corrupt.

Ethics are bankrupt.

Let’s hope they can beat this putz.

Send him on his way.


Donald Trump thinks with his gut.

Doo doo.  Doo doo.

He should keep his anus shut.

Democrats all say.

Is he Putin’s guy?

Asset or a spy?

This is the unkindest cut.

“Christians” look away.


Trump does things the Russian way.

Oh, no!  Oh, no!

Putin tells him what to say.

Russians shout, “Hooray!”

Is it Russian dough?

Pee pee tape?  Don’t know.

What has made the Donald stray?

We can’t let him stay.


Blue State Ladies are inspired.

Hoorah!  Hoorah!

Donald must not be rehired.

Hoorah and hooray!

See the Donald’s nose;

Watch it as it grows.

Tell the Donald, he is fired!

Send him on his way!