Donald at the Bat – Day 679, 680 (may be sung to Rock of Ages)

Days 679, 680 (May be sung to Rock of Ages)


Mueller turned Mike Cohen loose.

Did he cook the Donald’s goose?

Mike revealed a Russian deal

Trump attempted to conceal.

Who committed perjury?

Democrats say, “Wait and see.”


Trump denied all Russian ties.

But, as usual, these were lies.

Donald’s hoped-for, Moscow tower

Was a dream that has turned sour.

And what else does Cohen know?

Just how long will Trump’s nose grow?


Russia is a huge morass

That makes Trump kiss Putin’s ass.

And, what else does Vladimir

Know, so he can domineer

Donald every time they meet?

Does he know Trump’s balance sheet?


Vladimir and MBS

Both give Trump GI distress.

We suspect he needs their dough

(As his tax returns might show.)

So, when these two misbehave,

Donald Trump will always cave.


When G 20 meets this week,

Will the other leaders seek

Donald Trump, to shake his hand?

Or will they just let him stand

By himself, a sad reject?

Will the Donald get respect?


Donald Trump won’t honor deals,

No surprise the whole world feels

They can’t trust deals Donald signs.

They blow up, just like land mines.

Has Trump made us great again?

Sadly, that’s just Trumpist spin.


Mueller’s turning up the heat.

Trump can’t stop it with a tweet.

Given what he might expect,

Do we think Trump might defect?

Argentina has been used

By dirtbags who feel abused.