Donald at the Bat – Day 661, 11-11-18, One hundredth anniversary of the end of World War One

Day 661, 11-11-2018, One hundredth Anniversary of the end of World War One

Eleventh month, eleventh day, eleventh hour, the date,
The Armistice of World War One, which we commemorate.
The War to end all wars had ended; Donald went to France
To join the world commemoration. Then, through happenstance,
Because of rain, he did not go to honor men who died.
They gave their all but it was wet, “Old Bone Spurs” stayed inside.

Americans who died in battle there in Belleau Wood
Lie buried in a field of honor; you’d think Donald would
At least show his respect for sacrifices that they made.
But, I guess not; his hair might get rained on and disarrayed.

The leaders of six dozen nations marched to honor peace.
But Donald did not walk with them, came late to say his piece.
And then left early to fly home while all the world remained.
Trump thus disgraced America; the narcissist unchained.

“Old Bone Spurs” never served his country, saving his own hide,
And showed he did not give a damn for those who served and died.