Donald at the Bat – Day 620, A New NAFTA

Day 620, A New NAFTA?


The Donald just announced a trade deal made with Mexico.

Canadians have just joined in; though not simpatico,

Replacing NAFTA with new deals jammed down their throats by Trump

And treating their Prime Minister like he was just a chump.


Trump has revised a treaty; now the Senate must approve.

Trump said what he negotiated surely will improve

Job markets in the USA.  (But prices also rise.)

Will there be a net benefit?  Surprises may arise.


Trump says the threat of tariffs forced the new deals made on trade.

But most of the “new deals” they made were those Obama made.

Of course, Trump will not mention that unless these deals don’t work

And then, we know he’ll blame Barack; it was his fault, that jerk!

The press went back to Kavanaugh when questioning began.

Now that the FBI’s involved, will Trump tell us the plan?

Restrictions on their interviews?  Trump says that there are none.

That’s not what others say; we may not know until they’re done.


Jeff Flake was interviewed and said he thinks the FBI

Will help establish facts in question, though he did imply

They may not talk to everyone; they’re limited in scope.

So will the White House set them free?  Perhaps there is some hope.


As usual, what the Donald said was at odds with the facts.

Might he change his instructions, stop restricting the contacts

That he instructs the FBI to go and interview?

Is this a fig leaf?  Will we get an unobstructed view?