Donald at the Bat – Day 592

Day 592


Tomorrow is the hearing for Brett Kavanaugh, the judge,

A right wing nominee for the Supreme Court, who should nudge

The court much further right, so it will vote to overturn

The Roe v Wade decision, making liberal stomachs churn.


Supreme Court nominations are quite philosophical

And that’s because, at base, they’re always quite political.

The President, his party, and the folks who put them there,

Are hoping for a justice who is anything but fair.


If they say, “fair,” they mean someone who shares their point of view.

Which means, throughout the hearings, they’ll be looking for a clue

To how he’ll vote on issues, this time mostly Roe v Wade.

Will he respect decisions previous Supreme courts made?

Once contraception information was, by law, obscene   (1)

And women in professions then were very rarely seen.

When, in the seventies, pills and abortions were allowed,

Our women entered all professions, doing themselves proud.


Should we be moving backwards and should women lose control

Of reproductive choice and let the church decide their role?

We’ve seen what women do when they are left free to decide

On marriage, kids, professions: what they want should be our guide.


  1. See The Comstock Act,  1873, finally repealed with regard to contraception, in 1971.  Roe v Wade was decided in 1973.