Donald at the Bat – Day 578

Day 578

While Rudy says, “Truth isn’t truth,” the Donald tweets away,

Disputing facts and calling names and several times a day.

Melania says she opposes cyberbullying.

Her best example, right at home, her husband is the king.


The Donald tweets about the Press and what they say of him.

That’s how he works frustrations out, not workouts in the gym.

For those opposing him, he makes up lots of nasty names.

He’ll soon need better lawyers; Mueller isn’t playing games.


And new we learn that Mueller has been talking to McGahn,

The White House Counsel, thirty hours.  Who’s in the frying pan?

Both Rudy and the President must view that news with dread.

They must admit they can’t be sure that they know what he said.


So Donald is a cyberbully; Rudy is a clown.

They’d better fear Bob Mueller; he is getting the lowdown.