Donald at the Bat – Day 527, The American Disease Relapses

Day 527, The American Disease Relapses

Just yesterday, a relapse of America’s Disease,

Mass shooting in a newsroom, killing journalists. Now these!

A standard, angry, young, white male, the shooter has been caught.

At least five have been killed.  Will once again, it come to naught?


The first responders were all praised for rapid response time.

In less than ninety seconds they arrived to stop the crime.

But Congressmen were not condemned for failure to confront

The problem that we have with guns.  Why do we let them punt?


Response times are so rapid now.  Should we feel pride or shame?

Should we feel pride that we have learned to play this grisly game,

Or shame that we have had to learn?  A quandary, at best.

All other first-world countries, ALL, have laid this beast to rest.


Our first responders, brave and strong, all train for such a day.

Our legislators, craven, weak, all hang their heads and pray.

When we all stand in silence, everybody bows his head,

Our prayers bring this assurance; soon more people will be dead.


As Stormy said of Donald Trump, “Well, here we go again.”

And Donald sent his “thoughts and prayers,” the standard for such men.

For, after all, the Constitution guarantees the right

To “keep and bear arms,” which will just perpetuate this fright.


So, yes, we have a right but do we also have the brains?

The cost is thirty thousand lives a year.  So what explains

Inaction by the Congress?  Are these folks paid off? Or, what?

Corrupt?  Slow-witted?  Callous? Cowardly?  All food for thought.


If children  misbehave, then we will take their toys away.

We’re clearly misbehaving and we prove it every day.

The Constitution’s words tell us that we may regulate.

It’s our responsibility.  Why don’t we legislate?