Donald at the Bat – Day 505

Day 505

Is Trump an outlier in business?

Giuliani, outlier in law?

We know they’re both liars.

We hope they’re outliers.

What inference can we all draw?


Since neither has asked for forgiveness

Does it follow that lying’s their norm?

Their prevarications

Made to several nations,

Are worse than just simply poor form.


When wading through Donald Trump’s sewer,

Which he tells everyone doesn’t smell,

He wants those who’ll wallow,

And even will swallow,

Then say, “Give me more; that was swell!”


If you’re an objective reviewer,

And you’re learning how Donald behaves

And see his defenders

From all of the genders,

Should you ask, “Now, do I make waves?”


How long should we take all this lying?

Should we take action to prevent more?

Since it’s really our fault

We endure this assault,

Have we rotted clear to our core?


The G7? G6-1?


When the Donald flew to the G7 today,

He could tell that they all hoped that he’d stayed away.

For, by now they all know him and think he’s a jerk

And he’s never prepared for some serious work.


All the tariffs Trump started are poorly conceived.

All our prices will rise because Donald’s aggrieved.

The Canadians pose a security threat?

That is nearly the most bizarre claim he’s made yet.


But Trump’s reasoning, you’d have to say, takes the cake.

It gave students of history a bad stomach ache.

“You guys burned down our White House,” Trump said on the phone.

And, from sea to sea, Canada all gave a groan.


Was the Donald referring to 1814

When the the Brits burned the White House down, just to be mean?

If the Donald had not slept through his history class,

Then, perhaps we would not be at such an impasse.


The Canadians won’t have to host Trump too long,

For the Donald leaves early to meet with Kim Jong.

That will make Putin smile for achieving his goal.

He disrupted G7. Is Trump Putin’s mole?