Donald at the Bat – Day 484

Day 484

In Santa Fe, in Texas, this time not in church but school,

Mass shooting with ten killed, young male shooter, that’s the rule.

Trump spoke and called on God to heal but God called you and me

To heal this epidemic spread from sea to shining sea.


Our Congress has done nothing since the Parkland students died.

And they’ll do nothing once again although a few have tried.

While we’re in thrall to NRA, the guns will take their toll,

Though we may pray, grieved parents weep, and funeral bells still toll.


Discussions are predictable; arm teachers; fortify.

Controlling guns brought up, dismissed, no move to rectify

The fact that we’re awash in guns, a given in this land.

The problem is so obvious; why can’t we understand?


We mention crazy people; we can’t rid ourselves of them.

The shooter always wore a trench coat; though they noticed him,

School personnel did nothing and this kid could get a gun.

This sort of thing goes on and on; there will be a rerun.


The Governor, Greg Abbott spoke.  He also called on God.

And asked for prayer, as did Ted Cruz.  Is this just a facade?

To cover up the failure of US society,

To deal with our gun violence and show some sanity?


The Governor says he’ll convene roundtables to discuss

This problem, every aspect, and with every one of us.

Gun rights will be respected, and gun safety emphasized

And mental health and background checks.  No one should be surprised.


More guns, more deaths, statistics clear.  Is there a message there?

Of course there is but guns are idols and we seem to care

More for our right to own and worship them than for our lives.

So, we’ll keep dying just as long as gun worship survives.


One point about an argument made by the NRA:

A good guy with a gun will stop a bad guy, their cliché.

The school’s armed guard confronted the young shooter and was shot.

The kid surrendered later; the armed guard was all for naught.


Although there are too many guns, we people share the fault.

We have to solve what’s wrong with us to bring this to a halt.

Canadians, the Brits, Australians, Europe as a whole,

Are safer than we are.  Is there a dark place in our soul?


Meanwhile, the President is going after women’s health.

He doesn’t need Planned Parenthood because of his great wealth.

So he’ll defund all clinics that facilitate pro choice,

Or clinics that discuss all options, silencing their voice.


So, Trump goes after birth control but won’t help care for kids.

It makes no sense to punish kids if policy forbids

Their mothers from the choice of if or when to have a child.

To stop both choice and welfare simply can’t be reconciled.