Donald at the Bat – Day 1405, Case After Case, Dismissed

Day 1405, Case After Case, Dismissed


The Donald is a criminal, no doubt.

There isn’t any law that he won’t flout.

He’s open in his criminality.

Was that one reason voters threw him out?


Trump’s open in his criminality.

So far, there’s been no legal penalty.

While president, he was above the law.

Barr’s DOJ gave him immunity.


While president, Trump was above the law.

On his way out, he grasps at every straw.

He’s asking courts to rule that he has won

Or he’ll face juries, “red in tooth and claw.”  (1)


Trump asks the courts to rule that he has won.

The states’ attorneys must be having fun.

So far, two dozen cases were dismissed.

Trump’s victories, effectively, are none.


So far, two dozen cases were dismissed.

Yet, Donald Trump continues to insist

That he’s the victim of a massive fraud.

His proof?  He pounds the table with his fist.


Trump is the victim of a massive fraud?

So far, all judges have been underawed.

In military terms, it’s been a rout.

Trump’s evidence is simply a façade.


Trump’s challenges, defeated in a rout:

The vote was fair, of that there is no doubt.

And where we’ve seen the criminality,

Is on the side the voters just threw out.


(1)  See, “In Memoriam, A.H.H.” by Alfred, Lord Tennyson, 1850.