Donald at the Bat – Day 1363, Judge Amy Coney Barrett

Day 1363, Judge Amy Coney Barrett 


Today’s the day Judge Amy Coney Barrett makes her bid

To help the Donald overturn all that Obama did.

Republicans want to strike down Obama’s ACA;

That government provides healthcare makes each one blow his lid.


Republicans want to strike down Obama’s ACA.

The Court will hear the case next month; they’ll strike without delay.

In this pandemic, twenty million may lose their health care,

A triumph of conservatism: let it start today!


In this pandemic, twenty million may lose their health care.

Right wingers cry, “Repeal!  Replace!” but they’ve put no plan there,

Except, of course, eliminate all that Obama’s done.

Barack Obama, RBG, what an obnoxious pair!


Right wingers would eliminate all that Obama’s done.

They’d like to see all his achievements whittled down to none.

First on the list: the ACA, then on to Roe v Wade.

And then, of course, to glorify the right to shoot a gun.


First on the list: the ACA, then on to Roe v Wade,

A woman’s right to choose, another ruling the Court made.

That’s a decision that, Judge Barrett wrote, she thinks was wrong.

Her faith?  The law?  Or medicine?  Whose principles obeyed?


The Roe v Wade decision, says Judge Barrett, came out wrong.

Stare decisis?  She has hinted she won’t go along.  (1)

A major reason that right wingers voted Donald in:

Religious opposition to abortion, very strong.


A major reason fundamentalists put Donald in,

Is, they regard the Roe v Wade decision as a sin,

Which means they’ll let religion govern forms of birth control.

And think Judge Barrett might be the last chance they have to win.


Right wingers want religion to influence birth control.

Defending their hypocrisy, Ted Cruz was rather droll.

Her confirmation is expected; giving Donald hope,

Next month she’ll vote for him in the election that he stole.


(1)  Stare decisis, Latin. “to stand decided.”  This legal principle is that precedent should strongly influence legal decisions.