Donald at the Bat – Day 1322, Don’t Take Your Gun to Town (parody to ‘Don’t Take Your Guns to Town’ by Johnny Cash)

Day 1322, Don’t Take Your Gun to Town (1)


A teenage boy from Illinois, thought he would have some fun.

He went up to Wisconsin with his AR 15 gun,

Intending to save property, black folks were burning down.

His momma should have said to him,

“Don’t take your gun to town, son;

“Leave your gun at home, boy.

“Don’t take your gun to town.”


He drove into Kenosha after curfew; it was dark,

With agitators in the streets, each one an easy mark.

And he could tell that most were white, although the sun was down.

And, momma had not said to him,

“Don’t take your gun to town, son,         

“Leave your gun at home, boy,

“Don’t take your gun to town.”


And then he got into a fight, shot someone in the head.

The crowd chased him; he fired again; one wounded, one more dead.

The crowd pulled back and he walked down the main street of the town.

Because his mother had not said,

“Don’t take your gun to town, son,

“Leave your gun at home, boy,

“Don’t take your gun to town.”


He had his gun slung ‘round his neck; the cops just drove right by.

The crowd was yelling to the cops, “Hey!  He just shot some guy!”

At least three cop cars passed by him; not one of them slowed down.

A white kid whose mom had not said,

“Don’t take your gun to town, son,

“Leave your gun at home, boy,

“Don’t take your gun to town.”


He went back home to Illinois, put his gun on the rack.

The cops showed up, arrested him, and said he must come back.

He’s charged with double murder for the people he shot down.

They read his rights; mom had not said,

“Don’t take your gun to town, son,


“Leave your gun at home, boy,

“Don’t take your gun to town.”


When Donald Trump was asked about what this young kid had done,

He said the boy had been attacked and he had tried to run.

Trump did not note the boy was chased for gunning someone down.

And didn’t mention that the boy

Had brought a gun to town, which

Should have stayed at home, but

He brought his gun to town.


(1)  Don’t Take Your Guns to Town, by Johnny Cash, 1958.  There are several versions on YouTube.  (3 chords in G)