Donald at the Bat – Day 1240, To Mask or Not To Mask

Day 1240, To Mask or Not To Mask


To mask or not to mask, that is the question.

To be a mandate or a strong suggestion…

Birx and Fauci are insistent,

Although Trump remains resistant.

To bow to science gives Trump indigestion.


The Donald’s whole life is a bad example;

His mask refusal, just the latest sample.

Donald Trump thinks he knows better,

Data, reason will not fetter

His war on science and his urge to trample.


And now we have the Covid 19 shuffle

Of Trump’s commission, which he chose to muffle.

And his re-elect committee,

Pictured maskless, handsome, pretty,

Has, as you know, caused quite a press kerfuffle.



Trump thinks, to wear a mask makes him look silly.

Well, what about those ties down to his willy?

Photo-ops with Bible waving?

His word salads, lies, and raving?

And then, of course, there’s General Mark Milley.


To Trump, it’s all about his re-election.

But things are going in the wrong direction.

If we sink into depression,

Trump will need black vote suppression

And just one more Supreme Court judge selection.


To wear a mask is all about Trump’s power;

No little virus will make Donald cower.

And he makes those in his presence

Demonstrate their acquiescence.

When they go home do they all take a shower?