Donald at the Bat – Day 1151, The Ides of March

Day 1151, The Ides of March 


The Ides of March in 44 BC,

A day that’s still living in infamy,

The would-be dictator, Caesar was killed

In a Roman Senate conspiracy.


The would-be dictator, Caesar was killed.

(The cup of ambition never is filled.)

The murder of Caesar caused civil war

‘Til all the conspirators’ voices were stilled.


The murder of Caesar caused civil war.

Did Senators know that would be in store?

The Roman Republic came to an end.

Rome never returned to what was before.


The Roman Republic came to an end.

Dictators arose and they would upend

The power of the Senate and people as well. (1)

Rights are not concepts dictators defend.


The power of the Senate and people as well;

Both died on the same day that Caesar fell:

The Ides of March in 44 BC.

Who could know then what their act would foretell?


(1)  SPQR, Senatus Populusque Romanus, (the Roman Senate and people.)

These four letters were seen on many banners, emblematic of the Roman Republic, which came to an end in 27 BC, when Augustus Caesar, nephew of Julius Caesar, became Imperator.