Donald at the Bat – Day 1113 (no 1112), Romney’s Vote

Day 1113, Romney’s Vote


McConnell is bespectacled

But Romney is “betesticled.”

Both swore an oath they would be fair.

McConnell showed he did not care.

Mitt Romney showed that what he swore

Was not, like Mitch, words to ignore.


Mitch told us all he would acquit.

Somewhat surprising to admit,

No evidence would change his mind,

For, from the start, he was aligned

With Trump and his abuse of power.

Did Mitch support or simply cower?


But Romney heard the evidence

And then applied his common sense

And, guided by his oath to God,

Mitt found that Trump was deeply flawed.

Which meant he voted to convict.

He would not lick what others licked.


We’ll now watch Trump go on a binge.

We know that he will seek revenge.

Ferocious tweets, without a doubt,

Pelosi, Romney, Schiff, watch out!

For now, we’ll see the Donald’s rage

Erupt next time he’s on the stage.


We did not have to wait too long.

Today, the Donald charged headlong.

The prayer breakfast, a surprise,

To say whom he would demonize.

Trump showed for what he really cares

And, it’s not grace, nor healing prayers.