Donald at the Bat – Day 1069, Christmas Is Newton’s Birthday (parody to “I Saw Three Ships Come Sailing In”)

Day 1069, Christmas Is Newton’s Birthday  (1) 


The planets orbit ‘round the sun,

From gravity, from gravity.

The sun attracts them, every one,

Was Newton’s explanation.


The Moon’s in orbit ‘round the Earth,

From gravity, from gravity.

It makes the tides flow in the firth,

Was Newton’s explanation.


And we see apples fall as well,

From gravity, from gravity.

An apple fell and rang his bell,

Was Newton’s explanation.


All masses will attract in space,

From gravity, from gravity,

A force that reaches every place,

Was Newton’s explanation.

 Why sing in praise of gravity,

On Christmas Day, on Christmas Day?

To honor a nativity,

For Christmas is Newton’s birthday.


(1)  May be sung to “I Saw Three Ships Come Sailing In,” a 17th century English Christmas carol.  The author is unknown. Exactly what water they were sailing on is also a puzzle.  The original lyrics mention sailing to Bethlehem, which would be quite difficult, as consultation of any map of the Middle East will confirm.