Donald at the Bat – Day 1031, Marie Yovanovitch

Day 1031, Marie Yovanovitch


Marie Yovanovitch was dumped into a ditch

By Rudy Giuliani’s smear campaign.

Helped by the Junior Trump, they kicked her in the rump,

Removing her from her post in Ukraine.

On made-up evidence, she “lost the confidence,”

Of Donald Trump, who said she had to go.

If you’re a diplomat, when Trump says, “Go,” that’s that.

It doesn’t matter if the cause is faux.


Trump said she was “bad news,” (someone he could not use

To carry out his own corrupt intent.)

She knew who was corrupt and threatened to disrupt

The plans that Giuliani would ferment.

Though, we don‘t know the theme of Giuliani’s scheme,

Exactly how Marie might be a threat,

Why would he push her out; might she have had the clout

To stop a deal that Rudy hoped to get?


For, after she was gone, Rick Perry then went on

To get a deal to come and drill for gas.

Does that deal ring some bells?  Does that deal have foul smells,

When obvious self-dealing got a pass?

Perhaps she would object to a deal that suspect,

Was that the reason she was pushed aside? 

There’s money to be made and piggy banks to raid.

Was this self dealing she would not abide?


So, why was she let go?  Perhaps we’ll never know

But somehow Trump decided it was time

To move this stumbling block that he thought just might squawk

That deals he might be planning were a crime.

But it is still not clear why Trump would need to smear

Yovanovitch once he had called her back.

Since Donald’s attitude is often rude and crude,

Nobody was surprised by his attack.


Then, holy smokes! today, Trump pounced upon his prey

While she was testifying, he would tweet

Some vulgar nastiness.  (He does that, under stress,)

A bully’s tactic, not just indiscreet.

Impeachable offense?  Is Donald Trump that dense,

Intimidating her, and in plain sight?

Not immorality but criminality,

There’s no way that Trump’s action could be right.


Yovanovitch sailed through; now we can all review

Her service and what her dismissal meant.

Trump’s reasons, though obscure, quite likely were impure.

And, at the least, exude a fetid scent.