December 6, Donald the Con Man  (parody to Frosty, The Snowman)

December 6, Donald the Con Man  (parody to Frosty, The Snowman)


Donald, the con man, has a narcissistic soul.

If you take a look, you’ll see he’s a crook,

With a soul as black as coal.

Donald, the con man, lost his last election bid.

Donald tried to cheat, but he still got beat;

Now he’s whining like a kid.


He planned an insurrection, and

His Trumpists went all in.

They gave Trump an erection, but

That’s not enough to win.


Donald, the con man, has been running a new con.

Donald’s emails schnorr, asking more and more  (1)

As his scam runs on and on.

Donald, the con man, wants to fatten his bank roll.

Now, with piles of cash swelling Donald’s cache,

Trump is living on the dole.



Trumpery, Trump, Trump,  (2)

Trumpery, Trump, Trump,

Tchotchkes for your cash.  (3)

Trumpery, Trump, Trump,

Trumpery, Trump, Trump,

Swell the Donald’s stash!


Trumpery, Trump, Trump,

Trumpery, Trump, Trump,

Fund the Donald’s scam.

Trumpery, Trump, Trump,

Trumpery, Trump, Trump,

Fall for Trump’s flimflam.


  • “Schnorr,” a Yiddish word meaning to beg or wheedle.
  • “Trumpery,” superficially attractive articles of little value or use. Trump’s schnorring emails offer “Official Trump Founder Cards” and other trumpery as inducements to send him money.
  • “Tchotchkes,” another delightful Yiddishism for trinkets, bric a brac, or more or less useless stuff that seems to grow and breed on bookshelves.