Are You Washed in the Big Lie of Trump? (parody to hymn “Are You Washed in the Blood of the Lamb?”

Are You Washed in the Big Lie of Trump?  (1)


Have you heard the Donald as he raves and rants?

Is your brain washed by Donald’s Big Lie?

Are you undisturbed by Donald’s flaming pants,

Is your brain washed by Donald’s Big Lie?


Were you fooled by The Lie,

By the brainwashing Big Lie of Trump?

Is your thinking addled, foggy, stupefied?

Then your brain has been laundered by Trump.


Have you chosen daily to take Donald’s side,

Believing The Lie, soaked in The Lie?

Has Donald’s Big Lie left your thoughts stultified?

There is thought-bleaching lye in The Lie.


Were you fooled….


If the Donald returns, are you purified,

Do you long for a land white as snow?

Do you not give a damn that your savior lied,

Are you happy to watch his nose grow?


Were you fooled by The Lie,

By the brainwashing Big Lie of Trump?

Is your thinking addled, foggy, stupefied?

Then your brain has been laundered by Trump.


  • May be sung to, “Are You Washed in the Blood of the Lamb?” This gospel song was written in 1878 by the Presbyterian minister, Elisha Hoffman.  It was adopted by the Salvation Army as their marching song.  My favorite version is by the Statler Brothers.