Donald at the Bat – Day 1294, The Virus is Under Control

Day 1294,  The Virus is Under Control  (1) 


“The virus is under control…

“As much as you can control it.”

It’s taking a terrible toll,

So why does the Donald extol it?


Every day a thousand more die

And Trump admits he believes it.

You’d think that he might heave a sigh

But there is no hint that he grieves it.


“It is what it is,” Donald shrugs,

Maintaining that we are winning.

You wonder if he’s taking drugs,

We’re down ten runs in the ninth inning.


“We’re doing all that we can do,”

But cases still keep accruing.

And you’ll conclude, when you review,

That we should do what Europe’s doing.


Trump can’t read a table or graph;

Watch and see what he’s concluded.

His wits must have been snipped in half,

Which would explain why he’s deluded.


Is it just delusion or lie

That we hear when Donald’s speaking?

Or do his assertions imply

That Donald’s gut rumblings are leaking?


Just what does Trump think is his role

As Covid goes on steamrolling?

“The virus is under control?”

But what the hell are we controlling?


(1)  Donald Trump, in an interview with Jonathan Swan of Axios on July 28, 2020.